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Creating CRM with Filament 3: Step-By-Step

Employee User Invitations Process

This lesson got separated as it's a crucial part of the application - sending out an invitation email to an employee and allowing them to register to the system:

In this lesson, we will do the following:

  • Create Invitation Model and Database tables
  • Modify UserResource Create button action - to invite the Employee
  • Email the invitation to the Employee
  • Create a custom page that will be signature (Laravel Signer URL) protected
  • Create a custom registration form for the Employee

Create Invitation Model and Database tables

Let's create our migration:


Schema::create('invitations', function (Blueprint $table) {

Then, we can fill our Model:


class Invitation extends Model
protected $fillable = [

As you can see from the setup, it's a pretty basic Model. All we care about - is the email address being invited.

Modify UserResource Create Button Action - to Invite the Employee

Next on our list, we need to modify the User Create button. We don't want to create the User right away. We want to invite them via email first. So let's work on that:


use App\Models\Invitation;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
// ...
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->action(function ($data) {
$invitation = Invitation::create(['email' => $data['email']]);
// @todo Add email sending here
->body('User invited successfully!')

Once this is done, we will see a different button on our UI:

Creating Custom Registration Page

Next, we need to create a custom page where our users will land when they click on the invitation link:

php artisan make:livewire AcceptInvitation

Note: We have changed the whole file, so there are no difference indicators.


use App\Models\Invitation;
use App\Models\Role;
use App\Models\User;
use Filament\Actions\Action;
use Filament\Actions\ActionGroup;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Forms\Concerns\InteractsWithForms;
use Filament\Forms\Form;
use Filament\Pages\Concerns\InteractsWithFormActions;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard;
use Filament\Pages\SimplePage;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password;
class AcceptInvitation extends SimplePage
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithFormActions;
protected static string $view = 'livewire.accept-invitation';
public int $invitation;
private Invitation $invitationModel;
public ?array $data = [];
public function mount(): void
$this->invitationModel = Invitation::findOrFail($this->invitation);
'email' => $this->invitationModel->email
public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
public function create(): void
$this->invitationModel = Invitation::find($this->invitation);
$user = User::create([
'name' => $this->form->getState()['name'],
'password' => $this->form->getState()['password'],
'email' => $this->invitationModel->email,
'role_id' => Role::where('name', 'Employee')->first()->id
* @return array<Action | ActionGroup>
protected function getFormActions(): array
return [
public function getRegisterFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('register')
public function getHeading(): string
return 'Accept Invitation';
public function hasLogo(): bool
return false;
public function getSubHeading(): string
return 'Create your user to accept an invitation';

Next, we need to modify our View:


<x-filament-panels::form wire:submit="create">
{{ $this->form }}

Then, all we have to do is add the route:


use App\Livewire\AcceptInvitation;
// ...
->get('invitation/{invitation}/accept', AcceptInvitation::class)

Note: This uses a signed route middleware and Livewire full-page component.

Creating and Sending the Email

As our last step, we will create the email and send it to the User:

php artisan make:mail TeamInvitationMail

Then we can modify the email:


use App\Models\Invitation;
// ...
private Invitation $invitation;
public function __construct()
public function __construct(Invitation $invitation)
$this->invitation = $invitation;
public function envelope(): Envelope
return new Envelope(
subject: 'Team Invitation Mail',
subject: 'Invitation to join ' . config(''),
public function content(): Content
return new Content(
view: '',
markdown: '',
with: [
'acceptUrl' => URL::signedRoute(
['invitation' => $this->invitation]

And, of course, let's create the view file:


You have been invited to join {{ config('') }}
To accept the invitation - click on the button below and create an account:
<x-mail::button :url="$acceptUrl">
{{ __('Create Account') }}
{{ __('If you did not expect to receive an invitation to this team, you may discard this email.') }}

The last step before we try everything out is to send it. Remember the @todo that we left? Let's replace it with our email:


use App\Mail\TeamInvitationMail;
// ...
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->action(function ($data) {
$invitation = Invitation::create(['email' => $data['email']]);
Mail::to($invitation->email)->send(new TeamInvitationMail($invitation));
->body('User invited successfully!')

That's it! We can now email invites to people:

And once they click the link - they will see the registration page:

That's it! Once they fill out the form - they will be redirected to the dashboard with the Employee role: