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Creating CRM with Filament 3: Step-By-Step

Pipeline Stages Resource: Reorderable

Next up, each of our Customers has to go in a Pipeline to advance from one status to another. For example, we start at Contact Made and then progress to Meeting Scheduled. To do this, we need to create a new resource Pipeline Stages:

In this lesson, we will:

  • Create pipeline_stages DB structure: Model/Migration and a hasMany relationship to customers
  • Create Seeds with semi-real data without factories
  • Create a Filament Resource for Pipeline Stages
  • Auto-assign the new position to a new Pipeline Stage
  • Make the table reorderable with the position field
  • Add a Custom Action Set Default with confirmation
  • Add a DeleteAction to the table with validation if that record is used
  • Add pipeline stage information to the Customer Resource table/form

Creating Pipeline Stages Database

These are the fields for our DB:

  • id
  • name
  • position - Order of the stages
  • is_default

This will be seeded by default workflow but can be changed by admins to suit their needs.

Let's start with our migration:


Schema::create('pipeline_stages', function (Blueprint $table) {

Then, we need to create a model:


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
class PipelineStage extends Model
protected $fillable = [
public function customers(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Customer::class);

Next, we will make sure that we have some Default data in our database:


public function run(): void
'name' => 'Test Admin',
'email' => '',
$leadSources = [
'Online AD',
'Trade Show',
foreach ($leadSources as $leadSource) {
LeadSource::create(['name' => $leadSource]);
$tags = [
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
Tag::create(['name' => $tag]);
$pipelineStages = [
'name' => 'Lead',
'position' => 1,
'is_default' => true,
'name' => 'Contact Made',
'position' => 2,
'name' => 'Proposal Made',
'position' => 3,
'name' => 'Proposal Rejected',
'position' => 4,
'name' => 'Customer',
'position' => 5,
foreach ($pipelineStages as $stage) {
$defaultPipelineStage = PipelineStage::where('is_default', true)->first()->id;
'pipeline_stage_id' => $defaultPipelineStage,

One thing to note here is that we have moved our Customer factory to the end of the seeder so that we can assign a default pipeline stage to each customer.

Lastly, we want to add a new field to our Customer table and model:


use App\Models\PipelineStage;
// ...
Schema::table('customers', function (Blueprint $table) {

And our Model:


// ...
protected $fillable = [
// ...
public function pipelineStage(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(PipelineStage::class);

Running migrations and seeds:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Should now give us the default Pipeline Stages in the database:

We will see that each of our Customers has a default Pipeline Stage assigned to them:

Creating Pipeline Stages Resource

Let's create a new resource for our Pipeline Stages:

php artisan make:filament-resource PipelineStage --generate

Once all the files are created, we can visit this page in our browser:

Next, we need to make some modifications to our resource:

  • Move it to Settings dropdown
  • Add reorder functionality to our table
  • Remove the position column from the table
  • Remove position and is_default from the create/edit forms
  • Add the ability to change the default Pipeline Stage
  • Add a check to make sure that we are not deleting a used Pipeline Stage

Let's start with the Navigation:


class PipelineStageResource extends Resource
protected static ?string $model = PipelineStage::class;
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-rectangle-stack';
protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Settings';
// ...

Then we can work on our form:


// ...
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
// ...

This change will remove the unnecessary fields from our form:

But now we have a problem - how do we set the next position for our Pipeline Stage? We can do this by modifying the creation data:


// ...
protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
$data['position'] = PipelineStage::max('position') + 1;
return $data;
// ...

This will automatically set the next position for our Pipeline Stage on creation.

Last, we can work on our table:


use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
// ...
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true),
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true),
Tables\Actions\Action::make('Set Default')
->hidden(fn($record) => $record->is_default)
->requiresConfirmation(function (Tables\Actions\Action $action, $record) {
$action->modalDescription('Are you sure you want to set this as the default pipeline stage?');
$action->modalHeading('Set "' . $record->name . '" as Default');
return $action;
->action(function (PipelineStage $record) {
PipelineStage::where('is_default', true)->update(['is_default' => false]);
$record->is_default = true;
->action(function ($data, $record) {
if ($record->customers()->count() > 0) {
->title('Pipeline Stage is in use')
->body('Pipeline Stage is in use by customers.')
->title('Pipeline Stage deleted')
->body('Pipeline Stage has been deleted.')
// ...

Loading the page, we will see a new reorder button here:

This will open a new view where we can reorder our Pipeline Stages:

Last, we can mark a Pipeline Stage as default by clicking on the Set Default button:

That's it. At this stage, we are done with our Pipeline Stages resource.

Modifying Customer Resource

Our Customer needs to be associated with a Pipeline Stage, so let's add a new field to our resource:


use App\Models\PipelineStage;
// ...
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
// ...
->relationship('tags', 'name')
->relationship('pipelineStage', 'name', function ($query) {
// It is important to order by position to display the correct order
$query->orderBy('position', 'asc');
// We are setting the default value to the default Pipeline Stage
->default(PipelineStage::where('is_default', true)->first()?->id),
// ...

This will add a new field to our form:

Last, we can add a new column to our table:


// ...
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->formatStateUsing(function ($record) {
$tagsList = view('customer.tagsList', ['tags' => $record->tags])->render();
return $record->first_name . ' ' . $record->last_name . ' ' . $tagsList;
->searchable(['first_name', 'last_name']),
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...

This will add a new column to our table:

That's it - our Customers can now be assigned to a Pipeline Stage.

You can take a look at the code in the GitHub repository.