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Creating CRM with Filament 3: Step-By-Step

Customers by Stage: Tabs with Numbers

Since our Customer table can have thousands of entries - we need a way to filter them by something. In our case, we will create tabs to group them by their Pipeline Stage like this:

In this lesson, we will do the following:

  • Dynamically create tabs for each Pipeline Stage
  • Create a new tab called All to show all Customers
  • Add counters to each tab to show how many Customers are in each group

Let's get started!

Creating the Tabs

To make tabs, we will modify our List file:


use App\Models\Customer;
use App\Models\PipelineStage;
use Filament\Resources\Components\Tab;
// ...
class ListCustomers extends ListRecords
// ...
public function getTabs(): array
$tabs = [];
$tabs['all'] = Tab::make('All Customers')
$pipelineStages = PipelineStage::orderBy('position')->withCount('customers')->get();
foreach ($pipelineStages as $pipelineStage) {
$tabs[str($pipelineStage->name)->slug()->toString()] = Tab::make($pipelineStage->name)
->modifyQueryUsing(function ($query) use ($pipelineStage) {
return $query->where('pipeline_stage_id', $pipelineStage->id);
return $tabs;

Once this code is done, we should see tabs appearing above our table:

But what did we do here? Let's look at the code again with some comments:

public function getTabs(): array
$tabs = [];
// Adding `all` as our first tab
$tabs['all'] = Tab::make('All Customers')
// We will add a badge to show how many customers are in this tab
// Load all Pipeline Stages
$pipelineStages = PipelineStage::orderBy('position')->withCount('customers')->get();
// Loop through each Pipeline Stage
foreach ($pipelineStages as $pipelineStage) {
// Add a tab for each Pipeline Stage
// Array index is going to be used in the URL as a slug, so we transform the name into a slug
$tabs[str($pipelineStage->name)->slug()->toString()] = Tab::make($pipelineStage->name)
// We will add a badge to show how many customers are in this tab
// We will modify the query to only show customers in this Pipeline Stage
->modifyQueryUsing(function ($query) use ($pipelineStage) {
return $query->where('pipeline_stage_id', $pipelineStage->id);
return $tabs;

That's it! This is all we had to do for the tabs to work.

In the next lesson, we will add an ability to view archived Customers and restore them.