Creating CRM with Filament 3: Step-By-Step





Launch Date

Oct 2023


Filament 3

About this course

Filament is known as an admin panel system, but it can be a good fit for managing any data, and one of the best examples of data management systems is a CRM: Customer Relationship Management.

So, in this course, we will try to create a CRM with Filament, step-by-step, starting from the installation, using many Filament basic/advanced features, and covering with links to the GitHub repository code.

We'll start from:

  • Managing customers: table/form
  • Tabs above the table to see the pipeline stages
  • Adding/viewing customer documents and notes
  • Using custom fields for additional info on customers
  • etc.

If you have any suggestions for more CRM features, feel free to comment on the lessons.

A few screenshots from the course:

Are you with us on this journey? Then let's start with the first free lesson!