Tailwind CSS for Laravel Developers





Launch Date

Dec 2023


Laravel 10

About this course

These days, Laravel developers are required to have full-stack skills, including at least some front-end CSS knowledge. And Tailwind became a standard in web projects.

I've noticed many Laravel developers who have historically been back-end only are struggling with concepts of Tailwind, including compiling with npm and other phases of building CSS.

So, we decided to build this course about Tailwind fundamentals that any Laravel developer should know:

  • How to configure Tailwind in Laravel projects - with or without the starter kit.
  • What are the most useful Tailwind classes - sizes, fonts, colors, layout, etc.
  • How to "package" Tailwind classes in Blade components
  • Different small "gotchas" and options that are used specifically in the Laravel environment

Here's a student testimonial:

So, join me on this journey, and let's learn to be true full-stack developers! Let's start with the first practical lesson, reviewing how Tailwind is used in the Laravel Breeze starter kit.