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Livewire 3 From Scratch: Practical Course

SPA Feeling with wire:navigate

These days, many applications are built as single-page applications (SPA). Livewire v3 offers a single-page application experience.

Basic Usage

To use this feature, you just need to add a wire:navigate directive to the navigation link. For example, if we have a couple of routes.

Route::get('posts', \App\Livewire\ShowPosts::class);
Route::get('posts/create', \App\Livewire\CreatePost::class);
Route::get('users', \App\Livewire\ShowUsers::class);

Then we add wire:navigate to each link.

<a href="/posts" wire:navigate>Posts</a>
<a href="/posts/create" wire:navigate>Create Post</a>
<a href="/users" wire:navigate>Users</a>

After clicking a link, Livewire will load the new page in the background, and only then will it replace <title> and <body> content with the new one.

While a new page is loading, Livewire will show the loading indicator at the top. You can configure this setting in the config/livewire.php by changing the navigate.show_progress_bar value.

When redirecting to other pages, for example, after creating a post to the posts list page, to have a SPA experience, you need to provide a navigate argument to the redirect method.

return $this->redirect('/posts', navigate: true);

Reloading Scripts in Header

By default, Livewire won't reload the whole <head> section. It's a common practice to add scripts with a hash version so that the browser would always use the newest file instead of a cached old one.

For Livewire to reload the <script> tag, you need to add a data-navigate-track.

<script src="/app.js?id=123" data-navigate-track></script>

If you use Laravel's Vite plugin for building assets, you don't need to do anything. Livewire automatically will add the data-navigate-track.

@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])

You can learn more about wire:navigate in the official documentation.