In this lesson, let's see how easy it is to work with other form fields.
We need to prepare the DB quickly before adding other fields to the form.
Schema::table('products', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('color'); $table->boolean('in_stock')->default(true);});
class Product extends Model{ protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'description', 'category_id', 'color', 'in_stock', ]; const COLOR_LIST = [ 'red' => 'Red', 'green' => 'Green', 'blue' => 'Blue', ]; // ...}
We will use COLOR_LIST
cons to quickly show colors in the form.
Now let's show fields.
<form method="POST" wire:submit="save"> // ... <div class="mt-4"> <label for="color">Color</label> @foreach(\App\Models\Product::COLOR_LIST as $key => $value) <div><input type="radio" wire:model="form.color" id="color" value="{{ $key }}" />{{ $value }}</div> @endforeach @error('form.color') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <div class="mt-4"> <label for="in_stock">In stock</label> <div><input type="checkbox" wire:model="form.in_stock" id="in_stock" value="1" />In stock</div> @error('form.in_stock') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <button class="mt-4 px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-gray-700"> Save Product </button></form>
So now, let's make them work. Because we are using Form Object, the only file we need to add some logic is there.
class ProductsForm extends Form{ public ?Product $product; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id = 0; #[Validate('required|string')] public string $color = ''; #[Validate('boolean')] public bool $in_stock = true; public function setProduct(Product $product): void { $this->product = $product; $this->name = $product->name; $this->description = $product->description; $this->category_id = $product->category_id; $this->color = $product->color; $this->in_stock = $product->in_stock; } // ...}
And that's it. That's how easy it was. It works now in both create and edit pages.