We have made a create page. Now we need a page for editing records. Forms can be made in two ways. The first one, make a new component and add everything, or the second, extract parts in the Form Object.
First, we need a new component and a route mapped to it. Then we can link the edit button to that route.
php artisan make:livewire ProductsEdit
Route::get('products', [\App\Http\Controllers\ProductController::class, 'index']);Route::get('products/create', \App\Livewire\ProductsCreate::class)->name('products.create');Route::get('products/{product}/edit', \App\Livewire\ProductsEdit::class)->name('products.edit');
<div class="space-y-6">// ... <td> <a href="{{ route('products.edit', $product) }}" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest"> Edit </a> <a wire:click="deleteProduct({{ $product->id }})" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?') || event.stopImmediatePropagation()" href="#" class="inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-red-600 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest"> Delete </a> </td>// ...</div>
The form itself is the same as for the create product.
<form method="POST" wire:submit="save"> <div> <label for="name" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Name</label> <input id="name" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm" type="text" wire:model="name" /> @error('name') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <div class="mt-4"> <label for="description" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Description</label> <textarea id="description" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm" wire:model="description"></textarea> @error('description') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <div class="mt-4"> <label for="category">Category</label> <select wire:model="category_id" name="category" id="category" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm"> <option value="0">-- CHOOSE CATEGORY --</option> @foreach($categories as $id => $category) <option value="{{ $id }}">{{ $category }}</option> @endforeach </select> @error('category_id') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <button class="mt-4 px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-gray-700"> Save Product </button></form>
In the Livewire components class, first, we need to assign all the properties to values from the product. Because we are using Route Model Binding, we can accept Product parameter in the mount
method and assign properties.
use App\Models\Product; class ProductsEdit extends Component{ #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id; public Collection $categories; public function mount(Product $product): void { $this->name = $product->name; $this->description = $product->description; $this->category_id = $product->category_id; $this->categories = Category::pluck('name', 'id'); } // ...}
After visiting the edit page, we see a filled form with the product information.
We must first save the product ID into a property to be able to save the updated product. Also, we will lock this property so that it can't be tampered with.
use Livewire\Attributes\Locked; class ProductsEdit extends Component{ #[Locked] public int $productId; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id; public Collection $categories; public function mount(Product $product): void { $this->productId = $product->id; $this->name = $product->name; $this->description = $product->description; $this->category_id = $product->category_id; $this->categories = Category::pluck('name', 'id'); } // ...}
And now, we can update the product in the save
class ProductsEdit extends Component{ // ... public function save(): void { $this->validate(); Product::where('id', $this->productId)->update($this->only(['name', 'description', 'category_id'])); $this->redirect('/products'); } // ...}
We can extract some parts into a Form Object. This way, there will be less code duplication. First, we need to create a Form Object.
php artisan livewire:form ProductsForm
Next, we need to move public properties to the Form Object. The save
method is optional, but I will move it to the Form Object. First, we will update the ProductsCreate
Livewire component.
use App\Livewire\Forms\ProductsForm; class ProductsCreate extends Component{ public ProductsForm $form; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id; public Collection $categories; // ... public function save(): void { $this->form->save(); $this->validate(); Product::create($this->only(['name', 'description', 'category_id'])); $this->redirect('/products'); } // ...}
use Livewire\Attributes\Validate;use Livewire\Form; class ProductsForm extends Form{ #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id = 0; public function save(): void { $this->validate(); Product::create($this->all()); }}
And, of course, we need to update wire:model
in the Blade file to have form.
. That form
comes from naming Form Object in the Livewire component.
<form method="POST" wire:submit="save"> <div> <label for="name" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Name</label> <input id="name" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm" type="text" wire:model="form.name" /> @error('form.name') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <div class="mt-4"> <label for="description" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Description</label> <textarea id="description" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm" wire:model="form.description"></textarea> @error('form.description') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <div class="mt-4"> <label for="category">Category</label> <select wire:model="form.category_id" name="category" id="category" class="block mt-1 w-full border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm"> <option value="0">-- CHOOSE CATEGORY --</option> @foreach($categories as $id => $category) <option value="{{ $id }}">{{ $category }}</option> @endforeach </select> @error('form.category_id') <span class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror </div> <button class="mt-4 px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-gray-700"> Save Product </button></form>
Great! The create product page should be working. Now let's move to the edit page.
use App\Livewire\Forms\ProductsForm; class ProductsEdit extends Component{ public ProductsForm $form; #[Locked] public int $productId; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id; public Collection $categories; public function mount(Product $product): void { $this->form->setProduct($product); $this->productId = $product->id; $this->name = $product->name; $this->description = $product->description; $this->category_id = $product->category_id; $this->categories = Category::pluck('name', 'id'); } public function save(): void { $this->form->update(); $this->validate(); Product::where('id', $this->productId)->update($this->only(['name', 'description', 'category_id'])); $this->redirect('/products'); } public function render(): View { return view('livewire.products-edit'); return view('livewire.products-create'); }}
As you can see from the ProductEdit
Livewire component, we replaced all public properties with one ProductsForm
Form Object. Then in the mount
method, instead of setting all the properties it is done using setProduct
method, which accepts the product Model and is placed inside the Form Object. The same is true for the save
method, all the update logic is inside the Form Object. And last, we can re-use the Blade file.
So now, let's update the Form Object.
use App\Models\Product; class ProductsForm extends Form{ public ?Product $product; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $name = ''; #[Validate('required|min:3')] public string $description = ''; #[Validate('required|exists:categories,id', as: 'category')] public int $category_id = 0; public function setProduct(Product $product): void { $this->product = $product; $this->name = $product->name; $this->description = $product->description; $this->category_id = $product->category_id; } public function save(): void { $this->validate(); Product::create($this->all()); } public function update(): void { $this->validate(); $this->product->update($this->all()); } }
And that's it. Both forms are now using the ProductsForm
Form Object.