For this project, we will be creating a simple process for bookings: meaning booking an appointment, a calendar event, or whatever else. And our goal with the timezones is to save/process the booking data according to the user's timezone.
Since this course is not about creating CRUD, I will just quickly run through it as a "setup".
First, we install Laravel with Breeze Starter kit:
laravel new timezonescd timezonescomposer require laravel/breeze --devphp artisan breeze:install blade
Then, we generate the Model/Migration/Controller for bookings:
php artisan make:model Booking -mcrR
And then fill in all the CRUD for listing/creating/editing your own bookings for each user.
Full code is available in (GitHub Repository)[]
The main files for Bookings CRUD:
So you would understand better, here's the Controller code.
use App\Http\Requests\StoreBookingRequest;use App\Http\Requests\UpdateBookingRequest;use App\Models\Booking;use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;use Illuminate\Http\Request; class BookingController extends Controller{ public function index() { $bookings = Booking::query() ->with(['user']) ->get(); return view('bookings.index', compact('bookings')); } public function create() { return view('bookings.create'); } public function store(StoreBookingRequest $request): RedirectResponse { $request->user()->bookings()->create($request->validated()); return redirect()->route('booking.index'); } public function edit(Booking $booking) { return view('bookings.edit', compact('booking')); } public function update(UpdateBookingRequest $request, Booking $booking): RedirectResponse { $booking->update($request->validated()); return redirect()->route('booking.index'); } public function destroy(Request $request, Booking $booking): RedirectResponse { abort_unless($booking->user_id === $request->user()->id, 404); $booking->delete(); return redirect()->route('booking.index'); }}
That's it! This will be our starting point for the whole course. From here, we can add timezone-related functionality.