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Laravel User Timezones Project: Convert, Display, Send Notifications

Adding Scheduled Notifications to DB

Scheduling Notifications is as easy as creating a new entry in the scheduled_notifications table. We'll do that in our Controller:

Modifying the Controller


use App\Http\Requests\StoreBookingRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\UpdateBookingRequest;
use App\Models\Booking;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class BookingController extends Controller
// ...
public function store(StoreBookingRequest $request): RedirectResponse
$booking = $request->user()->bookings()->create([
'start' => fromUserDateTime($request->validated('start'), $request->user()),
'end' => fromUserDateTime($request->validated('end'), $request->user()),
$startTime = CarbonImmutable::parse(toUserDateTime($booking->start, $booking->user), $booking->user->timezone);
// Schedule 1H reminder
$oneHourTime = fromUserDateTime($startTime->subHour(), $booking->user);
if (now('UTC')->lessThan($oneHourTime)) {
'notification_class' => BookingReminder1H::class,
'notifiable_id' => $booking->id,
'notifiable_type' => Booking::class,
'sent' => false,
'processing' => false,
'scheduled_at' => $oneHourTime,
'sent_at' => null,
'tries' => 0,
return redirect()->route('booking.index');
// ...
public function update(UpdateBookingRequest $request, Booking $booking): RedirectResponse
'start' => fromUserDateTime($request->validated('start'), $request->user()),
'end' => fromUserDateTime($request->validated('end'), $request->user()),
$startTime = CarbonImmutable::parse(toUserDateTime($booking->start, $booking->user), $booking->user->timezone);
$hasScheduledNotifications = ScheduledNotification::query()
->where('notifiable_id', $booking->id)
->where('notifiable_type', Booking::class)
->where('user_id', $booking->user_id)
// First we need to check if there are any already scheduled notifications
if ($hasScheduledNotifications) {
// Then in this example, we simply delete them. You can however update them if you want.
->where('user_id', $booking->user_id)
// Since we are clearing the scheduled notifications, we need to create them again for the new date
// Schedule 1H reminder
$oneHourTime = fromUserDateTime($startTime->subHour(), $booking->user);
if (now('UTC')->lessThan($oneHourTime)) {
'notification_class' => BookingReminder1H::class,
'notifiable_id' => $booking->id,
'notifiable_type' => Booking::class,
'sent' => false,
'processing' => false,
'scheduled_at' => $oneHourTime,
'sent_at' => null,
'tries' => 0,
return redirect()->route('booking.index');
public function destroy(Request $request, Booking $booking): RedirectResponse
abort_unless($booking->user_id === $request->user()->id, 404);
->where('user_id', $booking->user_id)
return redirect()->route('booking.index');

This is it, now if we create a new booking, we will have a scheduled Notification for 1H before the booking starts:

Next up, we will send the Notifications out!