Now we have a default app with basic counter implementation to see how state management and other things work in Vue. We don't need these things in scaffolding for our application and maybe it will be a good idea to use TailwindCSS for our styles to have a bit of convenience.
This is the list of files we won't need in our project, you can delete them:
deleted: src/assets/base.cssdeleted: src/assets/logo.svgdeleted: src/components/HelloWorld.vuedeleted: src/components/TheWelcome.vuedeleted: src/components/WelcomeItem.vuedeleted: src/components/icons/IconCommunity.vuedeleted: src/components/icons/IconDocumentation.vuedeleted: src/components/icons/IconEcosystem.vuedeleted: src/components/icons/IconSupport.vuedeleted: src/components/icons/IconTooling.vuedeleted: src/stores/counter.jsdeleted: src/views/AboutView.vue
After removing files not needed we also need to update existing ones to get rid of any dead references and remove CSS from them.
Update src/App.vue
<script setup>import { RouterLink, RouterView } from 'vue-router'</script> <template> <header> <div class="wrapper"> <nav> <RouterLink to="/">Home</RouterLink> </nav> </div> </header> <RouterView /></template>
Remove all contents from src/assets/main.css
but keep the file.
Update src/router/index.js
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router' const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL), routes: [ { path: '/', name: 'home', component: import('../views/HomeView.vue'), }, ],}) export default router
Update src/views/HomeView.vue
<template>Home view</template>
After we got rid of all the junk, we can run a linter to keep all existing files in a consistent format. This step is not always necessary. Depending on your setup this command is run automatically by your IDE or editor on file each time you save it.
npm run lint
Installing Tailwind CSS as a PostCSS plugin is the most seamless way to integrate it with build tools like webpack, Rollup, Vite, and Parcel.
Install tailwindcss
and its peer dependencies via npm, and create your tailwind.config.js
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixernpx tailwindcss init
Update tailwind.config.js
in your project root to:
/* eslint-env node *//** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors"); module.exports = { content: ["./src/**/*.{vue,js}"], theme: { extend: { colors }, }, plugins: [],};
/* eslint-env node */
to first line. This specifies that this file should run in Node environment otherwise linter would complain that module
is not defined."./src/**/*.{vue,js}"
value to the content key so Tailwind will look at all Vue and js files for classes to compile in the src folder.Create postcss.config.js
in your project root directory with the following content:
module.exports = { plugins: { tailwindcss: {}, autoprefixer: {}, }}
Update src/assets/main.css
@tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities;