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Vue.js 3 Client Parking App: Step-by-Step

Parking details page

On the parking history page, we intentionally didn't include all the information about past parking that was stopped and added the view details button.

In this lesson, we will create a parking details page to summarize all the information about past orders.

Parking details

1. Extend Store

Extend src/stores/parking.js store.

const parkingDetails = ref({});
function resetParkingDetails() {
parkingDetails.value = {};
function getParking(parking) {
return window.axios.get(`parkings/${}`).then((response) => {
parkingDetails.value =;
return {
parking: parkingDetails,

parkingDetails will hold information about specific parking that API returns to us.

getParking() fetches data from API and assigns it to parkingDetails. Note that we chose a different name for this variable instead of just simply naming it parking because parking is also a parameter of a function.

The parking object returned has the following format:

"id": 3,
"zone": {
"name": "Red Zone",
"price_per_hour": 300
"vehicle": {
"plate_number": "lrvldly",
"description": "Paul's car"
"start_time": "2023-02-01 12:58:46",
"stop_time": "2023-02-01 16:10:18",
"total_price": 955

We can return parkingDetails as parking in the return statement by assigning parkingDetails to a different key parking.

return {
parking: parkingDetails,

But how does this work? Well, when we are returning values within the object, actually we are using object literal property value shorthand, previous example is completely identical to the following one:

return {
parking: parkingDetails,
getParking: getParking,
resetParkingDetails: resetParkingDetails,

The property value shorthand syntax automatically converts each variable to a key: value pair with the variable name as a property key and the variable value as a property value.

2. New Component

Create a new src/views/Parkings/ParkingDetails.vue component.

<script setup>
import { watchEffect, onBeforeUnmount } from "vue";
import { useParking } from "@/stores/parking";
import { useRoute } from "vue-router";
const store = useParking();
const route = useRoute();
watchEffect(async () => {
store.getParking({ id: });
class="flex flex-col mx-auto md:w-96 w-full"
v-if=" !== undefined"
<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-4 text-center">Parking order details</h1>
<div class="border p-2 font-mono">
<div class="font-bold uppercase mb-4">
parking order #{{ }}
<div class="font-bold uppercase">license plate</div>
<div class="plate text-2xl">{{ store.parking.vehicle.plate_number }}</div>
<div class="font-bold uppercase">description</div>
<div>{{ store.parking.vehicle.description }}</div>
<div class="font-bold uppercase">zone</div>
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div class="font-bold uppercase">price</div>
{{ ( / 100).toFixed(2) }} &euro; per
<div class="font-bold uppercase">from</div>
<div>{{ store.parking.start_time }}</div>
<div class="font-bold uppercase">to</div>
<div>{{ store.parking.stop_time }}</div>
<div class="font-bold uppercase">total</div>
<div class="text-xl">
{{ (store.parking.total_price / 100).toFixed(2) }} &euro;
<div class="border-t h-[1px] my-6"></div>
:to="{ name: 'parkings.history' }"
class="btn btn-secondary uppercase"

Here we hide the card completely unless exists. If it doesn't it means data isn't fetched yet since the whole store.parking object is empty.

class="flex flex-col mx-auto md:w-96 w-full"
v-if=" !== undefined"

3. Register Route

Register route for component in src/router/index.js.

path: "/parkings/:id",
name: "",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Parkings/ParkingDetails.vue"),

We use the route parameter :id in the same fashion as described in the previous lesson where when creating the Vehicles/EditView.vue component.

The full content of src/router/index.js:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
function auth(to, from, next) {
if (!localStorage.getItem("access_token")) {
return next({ name: "login" });
function guest(to, from, next) {
if (localStorage.getItem("access_token")) {
return next({ name: "" });
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
routes: [
path: "/",
name: "home",
component: import("@/views/HomeView.vue"),
path: "/register",
name: "register",
beforeEnter: guest,
component: () => import("@/views/Auth/RegisterView.vue"),
path: "/login",
name: "login",
beforeEnter: guest,
component: () => import("@/views/Auth/LoginView.vue"),
path: "/profile",
name: "profile.edit",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Profile/EditView.vue"),
path: "/profile/change-password",
name: "profile.change-password",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Profile/ChangePassword.vue"),
path: "/vehicles",
name: "vehicles.index",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Vehicles/IndexView.vue"),
path: "/vehicles/create",
name: "vehicles.create",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Vehicles/CreateView.vue"),
path: "/vehicles/:id/edit",
name: "vehicles.edit",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Vehicles/EditView.vue"),
path: "/parkings/active",
name: "",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Parkings/ActiveParkings.vue"),
path: "/parkings/new",
name: "parkings.create",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Parkings/OrderParking.vue"),
path: "/parkings/history",
name: "parkings.history",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Parkings/ParkingHistory.vue"),
path: "/parkings/:id",
name: "",
beforeEnter: auth,
component: () => import("@/views/Parkings/ParkingDetails.vue"),
export default router;

4. Replace Button

And last step is to replace the button in the src/views/Parkings/ParkingHistory.vue component to glue our final component to the client application.


<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary uppercase">
view details


:to="{ name: '', params: { id: } }"
class="btn btn-secondary uppercase"
view details

So this is it! We have a working Vue.js parking website using Laravel API.

The repository is available here on GitHub.