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Build Laravel API for Car Parking App: Step-By-Step

Price Calculation

Of course, users need to know how much they would pay for parking. It should happen in three phases:

  • Before parking - when getting the list of zones (done)
  • During parking - when getting the parking by ID (not done yet)
  • After parking - as a result of the stopping function (not done yet)

As I mentioned in the very beginning, we won't cover the payments themselves in this tutorial, we only take care of the calculations.

So, we need to create some function to calculate the current price by zone and duration, and then save that price in the parkings.total_price when the parking is stopped.

For that, let's create a separate Service class with a method to calculate the price. In Laravel, there's no Artisan command make:service, so we just create this file manually in the IDE.


namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Zone;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class ParkingPriceService {
public static function calculatePrice(int $zone_id, string $startTime, string $stopTime = null): int
$start = new Carbon($startTime);
$stop = (!is_null($stopTime)) ? new Carbon($stopTime) : now();
$totalTimeByMinutes = $stop->diffInMinutes($start);
$priceByMinutes = Zone::find($zone_id)->price_per_hour / 60;
return ceil($totalTimeByMinutes * $priceByMinutes);

As you can see, we convert $startTime and $stopTime to Carbon objects, calculate the difference, and multiply that by price per minute, for better accuracy than calculating per hour.

Notice: alternatively, you can choose to convert the DB fields to Carbon objects automatically, by using Eloquent casting.

Now, where do we use that service?

First, in the stop() method of the Controller.

use App\Models\Parking;
use App\Services\ParkingPriceService;
class ParkingController extends Controller
public function stop(Parking $parking)
'stop_time' => now(),
'total_price' => ParkingPriceService::calculatePrice($parking->zone_id, $parking->start_time),
return ParkingResource::make($parking);

Note that this Service with a static method is only one way to do it. You could put this method in the Model itself, or a Service with a non-static regular method.

So, when the parking is stopped, calculations are performed automatically, and in the DB, we have the saved value:

Laravel API Prices

But what if the user wants to find the current price before the parking is stopped? Well, we can call the calculation directly on the API Resource file:


use App\Services\ParkingPriceService;
class ParkingResource extends JsonResource
public function toArray($request)
$totalPrice = $this->total_price ?? ParkingPriceService::calculatePrice(
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'zone' => [
'name' => $this->zone->name,
'price_per_hour' => $this->zone->price_per_hour,
'vehicle' => [
'plate_number' => $this->vehicle->plate_number
'start_time' => $this->start_time,
'stop_time' => $this->stop_time,
'total_price' => $totalPrice,

So, if we don't have a stop_time yet, the current price will be calculated in real-time mode:

Laravel API Prices

So, that's about it: we've created all the basic API functionality for the parking application.

But wait, there's more in this tutorial...