Laravel Filament: 12 Best Plugins with Demos

Laravel Filament: 12 Best Plugins with Demos
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 8 mins to read
Laravel Filament: 12 Best Plugins with Demos

Filament is an awesome rapidly growing adminpanel platform that includes table builder, form builder, and more features. But also there are many plugins that add even more functionality. Let's explore some of the best ones, in this article.

I've picked 12 plugins to showcase, each with screenshots and with the demo repository, you will find all the links below.

For those unfamiliar with Filament, I have a full 2-hour course on how to get started.

1. Filament Breezy

The missing toolkit from Filament Admin with Breeze-like functionality. Includes login, registration, password reset, password confirmation, email verification, and profile page. All using the TALL-stack, all very Filament-y.

filament breezy

Using this package is very easy. First, install via composer

composer require jeffgreco13/filament-breezy

Next, change the default Filament login to use Breezy in config/filament.php

"auth" => [
"guard" => env("FILAMENT_AUTH_GUARD", "web"),
"pages" => [
"login" =>

And that's it, you now have Breeze-like functionality in your Filament Admin. If you want to enable more features like Two Factor Authentication read official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

2. Filament Advanced Filter

A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament.

advanced filters

To use this package we only need to install it and then we will be able to add filters to the table builder.

composer require webbingbrasil/filament-advancedfilter

For this example we will use a simple ProductResource which will have four fields:

  • Name (string)
  • Is visible (boolean)
  • Price (Decimal)
  • Published at (date)

Now we can add filters from this package to the ProductResource table builder.


public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Published Date')

For more information on what every filter condition means read official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

3. Filament Excel

Excel Export for Filament Admin Resources.

To use this package as always first we need to install it via composer.

composer require pxlrbt/filament-excel

composer require fails on Laravel 9 because of the simple-cache dependency, you will have to specify the psr/simple-cache version as ^2.0 in your composer.json to satisfy the PhpSpreadsheet dependency. You can install both at the same time as:

composer require psr/simple-cache:^2.0 pxlrbt/filament-excel

You can add the Export button to any place. In this example we will use simple ProductResource and add the Export button to three places:

  • Bulk actions for table
  • In the tables header
  • In the products view page

Bulk actions

To add any additional actions to tables bulk actions we just need to use the prependBulkActions() method for table builder.


public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Published Date')

Now when you will select records and will go to bulk actions, you will see the export button.

bulk export button

Tables header

Next, we will add the Export button above the table. To do that we need to use the prependHeaderActions() method for table builder.


public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Published Date')
->formatStateUsing(fn ($state) => $state ? 'True' : 'False'),

Now you will see the Export button above the table.

export button in table header

Also here we tell to export from the table, ask the user for the filename and file type, and when exporting we make the is_visible field not be blank when the value is false.

export ask for

View page

For the last one, we will add the Export button to the view page. This will only export record, in our case product, which we are viewing. To achieve this we need to use the getActions() method on the ViewRecord page.


protected function getActions(): array
return array_merge(parent::getActions(), [
->withFilename(fn ($query) => $query->first()->name),

Here we merge default Filament actions with our new ExportAction. Also for Export here we tell you to use the form for the data and make the filename the product name.

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

4. Filament Import

This package will make it easier for you to import from files to your model, very easily without the need to do templates.

All you have to do is drag and drop and match the fields and columns of your file, and let the magic happens!

filament import

First, again we need to install the package via composer.

composer require konnco/filament-import

Now we can add import action. All code needs to go into the ListRecords page, getActions() method.


protected function getActions(): array
return [
->helperText('Products name')
->label('Is visible')
->mutateBeforeCreate(function (string $value): bool {
if ($value === 'True') {
return true;
return false;
->label('Published at'),

Here we add the Import action with all fields. Also, we make all fields be required, add to one field helper text, to two fields label and for is_visible we make sure that when in Excel file we have the word "True", that would be sent to DB as true, and "False" would be sent as false.

After uploading the file you will see a form to match data to columns.

filament import match columns

After selecting columns press the Submit button and data will be imported.

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

5. Filament Fullcalendar

The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget

fullcalendar widget

First, let's install the package

composer require saade/filament-fullcalendar

Next, we need to create a new Filament Widget

php artisan make:filament-widget CalendarWidget

Our newly created widget needs to extend Saade\FilamentFullCalendar\Widgets\FullCalendarWidget and we need to remove protected static string $view.

For this demo, we will use a basic Event Model with fields title, start, and end.

Now, back to our CalendarWidget most important is the getViewData() method which needs to return array. We can do that by getting all Events and adding them to the array.


class CalendarWidget extends FullCalendarWidget
public function getViewData(): array
return Event::all()->toArray();

Next, we need to create an event. One way to do it is by pressing on the calendar on the day you want to create it. This will then hit the createEvent() method when the form gets submitted in CalendarWidget.

public function createEvent(array $data): void

After creating an event we should refresh the calendar which is done by calling $this->refreshEvents().

For events editing besides the editEvent() method, we need an additional resolveEventRecord() method to resolve the Event record into the Model.

public function editEvent(array $data): void
public function resolveEventRecord(array $data): Model
return Event::find($data['id']);

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

6. Timex

Calendar plugin for filament.


First, install via composer

composer require buildix/timex

Then publish and run the migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="timex-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Now when you visit your admin panel, you will see two new navigation items and at the top bar date and upcoming events.

working timex

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

7. Filament Logger

Configurable activity logger for filament. Powered by spatie/laravel-activitylog.

filament logger

To use this package you just need two commands:

composer require z3d0x/filament-logger
php artisan filament-logger:install

This will install the filament-logger package and publish the config & migrations from spatie/laravel-activitylog.

According to package documentation:

By default this package will log Filament Resource Events, Access(Login) Events, and Notification Events.

So now everything is logged by default.

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

8. Filament Spotlight

Quickly navigate your Filament pages.

Supports pages, resources, and links from the user menu.

filament spotlight

To use this package you only need to install it and everything will be picked up automatically.

composer require pxlrbt/filament-spotlight

The GitHub repository can be found here.

You can find the demo repository here.

9. Filament Language Switch

Zero config Language Switch(Changer/Localizer) plugin for Filamentphp Admin.

filament language switch

Install the package via composer

composer require bezhansalleh/filament-language-switch

Every configuration is made in the packages config file. You can publish it:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-language-switch-config"

The GitHub repository can be found here.

You can find the demo repository here.

10. Filament Navigation

filament navigation

Begin by installing this package via composer:

composer require ryangjchandler/filament-navigation

and running migrations:

php artisan migrate

Now you can go to the admin panel and using Navigation create new navigation and add items to it.

Let's say we create navigation with the handle main-navigation. To get it in the blade file code would look something like this:

$menu = RyanChandler\FilamentNavigation\Facades\FilamentNavigation::get('main-navigation')
@foreach($menu->items as $item)
<a href="{{ $item['data']['url'] }}" target="{{ $item['data']['target'] }}" class="underline">{{ $item['label'] }}</a>
{{ $item['label'] }}
@foreach($item['children'] as $child)
<a href="{{ $child['data']['url'] }}" target="{{ $child['data']['target'] }}" class="underline">{{ $child['label'] }}</a>

Which will output the result:

filament navigation result

The GitHub repository can be found here.

You can find the demo repository here.

11. Filament Shield

The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Admin:

  • Resources
  • Pages
  • Widgets
  • Custom Permissions

filament shield

Nothing new with installing the package:

composer require bezhansalleh/filament-shield

Then add Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles to User Model.


class User extends Authenticatable
use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable;
use HasRoles;

And publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-shield-config

Now, setup your configuration and run the command to install the shield:

php artisan shield:install

Now you have set up roles and generated policies for all your Resources.

Filament Shield has some useful commands you can find here.

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

12. Sky | CMS

A simple CMS for your website. it includes posts, pages, tags, and categories, with a frontend scaffolding.

sky cms

To install this package first we need to require it via the composer

composer require lara-zeus/sky

Then publish migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zeus-sky-migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Tags\TagsServiceProvider" --tag="tags-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

And finally, run migrations

php artisan migrate

Now after visiting the admin panel you will see new navigation items where you will be able to create your content.

sky navigation

Now go to Posts and create your first post. After creating head to and here you will see your post.

first post

For more available customization check official documentation.

You can find the demo repository here.

Know more plugins?

That's a wrap for now. If I missed some important plugins, let me know in the comments below.

Also, I'm pretty sure this article would get a follow-up with more plugins, and also a new fresh look when Filament 3 is released some time in 2023. So, stay tuned for the updated!