In this lesson, we will take care of the Teams DB structure.
In the previous lesson, we installed the Spatie Permissions package. Next, we must enable teams in the configuration file.
// ... 'teams' => true, // ...
Next, we create the Team Model and Migration.
php artisan make:model Team -mf
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; class Team extends Model{ use HasFactory; protected $fillable = [ 'name', ];}
Schema::create('teams', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->string('name'); $table->timestamps();});
Also, let's define the factory, which will be used later in the tests.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory; class TeamFactory extends Factory{ public function definition(): array { return [ 'name' => 'Clinic ' . fake()->word(), ]; }}
We need to implement two rules:
First, let's create the second part, as it's easier. We will save the current team ID in the users
php artisan make:migration add_current_team_id_to_users_table
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->foreignId('current_team_id') ->nullable() ->constrained('teams') ->nullOnDelete();});
And then the Model's fillable and relationship:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo; class User extends Authenticatable{ // ... protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'email', 'password', 'current_team_id', ]; public function currentTeam(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Team::class, 'current_team_id'); }
Now, with multiple teams, you might be tempted to create a separate team_user
pivot table, but with the Spatie Permission package, you don't have to.
There's already a DB table called model_has_roles
with the team_id
column, so that's exactly where we save each user's teams.
We just need to create a separate method in the Model to get those teams.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany; class User extends Authenticatable{ // ... public function teams(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany( Team::class, config('permission.table_names.model_has_roles'), 'model_id' ); } public function belongsToTeam(Team $team): bool { return $this->teams->contains(fn ($t) => $t->id === $team->id); }}
Also, as you can see, we created a helper method, belongsToTeam()
, that we will use in the Controller a bit later.
Next, we will modify the UserFactory
to have a Factory state for every role.
In these states, we will create a team and set the team as active for that user. Finally, we will assign a role within that current team.
use App\Enums\Role;use App\Models\User;use App\Models\Team;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory; class UserFactory extends Factory{ // ... private string $clinicDefaultName = 'Clinic 123'; public function masterAdmin(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { // Although Master admin doesn't have a team // We need to create a "Fake" team // Because of spatie/laravel-permission DB structure $team = Team::create([ 'name' => 'Master Admin Team', ]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::MasterAdmin); }); } public function clinicOwner(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { $team = Team::create([ 'name' => $this->clinicDefaultName, ]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::ClinicOwner); }); } public function clinicAdmin(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { $team = Team::firstOrCreate(['name' => $this->clinicDefaultName]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::ClinicAdmin); }); } public function doctor(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { $team = Team::firstOrCreate(['name' => $this->clinicDefaultName]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::Doctor); }); } public function staff(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { $team = Team::firstOrCreate(['name' => $this->clinicDefaultName]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::Staff); }); } public function patient(): static { return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) { $team = Team::firstOrCreate(['name' => $this->clinicDefaultName]); $user->update(['current_team_id' => $team->id]); setPermissionsTeamId($team->id); $user->assignRole(Role::Patient); }); }}
Notice: see how we're re-using the Enum values here again? If we didn't, it would increase the possibility of typos.
Now, we can seed some demo users using those states from above.
use App\Models\User;use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; class UserSeeder extends Seeder{ public function run(): void { User::factory() ->masterAdmin() ->create([ 'name' => 'Master Admin', 'email' => '', ]); User::factory() ->clinicOwner() ->create([ 'name' => 'Clinic Owner', 'email' => '', ]); User::factory() ->clinicAdmin() ->create([ 'name' => 'Clinic Admin', 'email' => '', ]); User::factory() ->staff() ->create([ 'name' => 'Staff User', 'email' => '', ]); User::factory() ->patient() ->create([ 'name' => 'Regular Patient', 'email' => '', ]); User::factory(5) ->patient() ->create(); User::factory(5) ->doctor() ->create(); User::factory(5) ->staff() ->create(); }}
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder{ public function run(): void { $this->call([ RoleAndPermissionSeeder::class, UserSeeder::class, ]); }}
After this seeder, here's what we have in the database:
So, we have the DB structure ready with models/migrations/factories/seeders. It's time to build the actual features.