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How to Structure Laravel 11 Projects

Links to Extra Resources

So, here we are at the end of this course about Laravel structure.

As mentioned in the first intro lesson, I aimed for the overview of structure options here. Some topics weren't even touched, mainly for two reasons:

  • Some of those architectural topics are global, outside of Laravel's scope
  • Some topics depend on what project you create: admin areas, SPAs, APIs, etc. Also, do you prefer Vue, React, or Livewire?

So, in most cases, each topic requires a separate long course. This is why we're here: in this lesson, you will find links to other courses from myself and the community.

Now, which of those do you want to dive into deeper?

Courses about Full-Stack Laravel

These courses are about structuring the front-end code alongside back-end Laravel with various tools.


SPAs with/without JS

Courses on Global Architecture

A few more courses from myself that talk about more "global" concepts than just structuring the app/ and resources/js folders:

Resources from Laravel Community

In this section, I decided to showcase the courses/books from fellow content creators in the Laravel community, who made a deeper dive on many "global" topics.

Do you know more resources to be added here? Shoot them in the comments below!