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Re-creating API with Laravel and PHPUnit

Apartment Search by Number of Guests

Now we're moving to the next filter in the search: people are looking for properties fit for their needs of space, by specifying the number of adults and children arriving. search by capacity

Here's where we get to the next concept: apartments. Each property may have multiple apartments, not only for hotels but also for bigger houses are often divided into separate apartments for booking.

Goals of This Lesson

  • Create DB structure and Model for Apartment
  • Add property search condition to look for apartments within properties, suitable for the number of people
  • Extend PHPUnit tests for new search condition

By the end of this lesson, we will have this test passing:

Apartment search by capacity

Apartment DB Structure

So, our search needs to accept the number of adults and children and filter the properties by apartments that are fit for that number of people.

First, we create the Apartment model/migration, also adding a Factory for testing.

php artisan make:model Apartment -mf

Migration file:

Schema::create('apartments', function (Blueprint $table) {


class Apartment extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = [
public function property()
return $this->belongsTo(Property::class);

Also, we add a relationship of apartments for a Property.


class Property extends Model
// ...
public function apartments()
return $this->hasMany(Apartment::class);

New when() Condition in Controller

Now, we can extend our search with two more fields: adults and children. It adds another when() condition to our Eloquent query.


class PropertySearchController extends Controller
public function __invoke(Request $request)
return Property::with('city')
->when($request->city, function($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('city_id', $request->city);
// ... more when() conditions
->when($request->adults && $request->children, function($query) use ($request) {
$query->withWhereHas('apartments', function($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('capacity_adults', '>=', $request->adults)
->where('capacity_children', '>=', $request->children);

Here, we're using a ->withWhereHas() method that appeared in Laravel 9.17, see my video about it.

Here's the result in Postman:

New Method in PHPUnit Test

Finally, let's test if it works. We add another method to our Search Testing class.


public function test_property_search_by_capacity_returns_correct_results(): void
$owner = User::factory()->create(['role_id' => Role::ROLE_OWNER]);
$cityId = City::value('id');
$propertyWithSmallApartment = Property::factory()->create([
'owner_id' => $owner->id,
'city_id' => $cityId,
'property_id' => $propertyWithSmallApartment->id,
'capacity_adults' => 1,
'capacity_children' => 0,
$propertyWithLargeApartment = Property::factory()->create([
'owner_id' => $owner->id,
'city_id' => $cityId,
'property_id' => $propertyWithLargeApartment->id,
'capacity_adults' => 3,
'capacity_children' => 2,
$response = $this->getJson('/api/search?city=' . $cityId . '&adults=2&children=1');
$response->assertJsonFragment(['id' => $propertyWithLargeApartment->id]);

As you can see, we're creating two properties: one with a small apartment for only 1 adult, and another one fitting 3 adults and 2 children. Our search queries for the properties for 2 adults and 1 child, and only $propertyWithLargeApartment should be returned.

To create a fake apartment, we fill in the Factory with fields like these:


class ApartmentFactory extends Factory
public function definition(): array
return [
'property_id' => Property::value('id'),
'name' => fake()->text(20),
'capacity_adults' => rand(1, 5),
'capacity_children' => rand(1, 5),

We launch that exact one test:

php artisan test --filter=test_property_search_by_capacity_returns_correct_results

And it works!

Property search by capacity

Showing Only Suitable Apartments

Finally in this lesson, let's add another test, checking if we don't return the apartments that are not a good fit.

As you may notice, shows the results as a list of properties, each with a list of suitable apartments. So if the hotel has both smaller and bigger apartments, it will show only bigger ones that would fit the family.

Property search show apartments

We already created the code for it, by using withWhereHas() instead of just whereHas(). We just need to write the test method for it, here's how it would look.


public function test_property_search_by_capacity_returns_only_suitable_apartments(): void
$owner = User::factory()->create(['role_id' => Role::ROLE_OWNER]);
$cityId = City::value('id');
$property = Property::factory()->create([
'owner_id' => $owner->id,
'city_id' => $cityId,
$smallApartment = Apartment::factory()->create([
'name' => 'Small apartment',
'property_id' => $property->id,
'capacity_adults' => 1,
'capacity_children' => 0,
$largeApartment = Apartment::factory()->create([
'name' => 'Large apartment',
'property_id' => $property->id,
'capacity_adults' => 3,
'capacity_children' => 2,
$response = $this->getJson('/api/search?city=' . $cityId . '&adults=2&children=1');
$response->assertJsonCount(1, '');
$response->assertJsonPath('', $largeApartment->name);

As you can see, we're diving deeper into the result of JSON structure testing, with assertJsonCount() and assertJsonPath(). You can read more about available methods in the official Laravel docs.

Now, we launch the test...

php artisan test --filter=test_property_search_by_capacity_returns_only_suitable_apartments

Another green light!

Apartment search by capacity