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How to Build Laravel 11 API From Scratch

Validation, Errors and Status Codes

Now, let's talk about validation. What happens if the user doesn't pass anything?

First, let's see what we get if we don't send the name field.

We get a 500 error code and a SQL error message, which is also a security issue. We don't want customers to see the actual error.

For the backend part, we can validate the regular way using Form Request.

php artisan make:request StoreCategoryRequest


class StoreCategoryRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize(): bool
return true;
public function rules(): array
return [
'name' => ['required']


use App\Http\Requests\StoreCategoryRequest;
class CategoryController extends Controller
// ...
public function store(Request $request)
public function store(StoreCategoryRequest $request)
$category = Category::create($request->all());
return new CategoryResource($category);

Now, we see a better result that can be shown for the user in the browser. The status code is 422, a default validation code.

We can use the catch in the Vue component to catch the errors.

// ...
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const name = ref('')
const submit = () => {'/api/categories', {
name: name.value
.then(response => {
console.log('New Category ID: ' +
.catch(error => {

We see two errors if we try to post from the Vue.js app in the console. The first is what the browser shows and the second is from the console log.

As a Laravel developer working on a backend job, you must send a 422 status with validation messages.