Laravel Filament Admin v2: Practical Course





Launch Date

Jun 2022


Filament 2

About this course

IMPORTANT: This course is about Filament v2. There's a newer updated course for the Filament 3 version.

Filament Adminpanel package is a rapidly growing tool, gaining more and more popularity in the Laravel community. So I decided to shoot a separate course, on how you can quickly create an admin panel for your Laravel project, with Filament.

What I like in Filament is how intuitive it is, in many places the default options are enough, and customizations are usually about one property or method to add/change.

In this 2-hour course, we will create a real demo project to manage Products / Vouchers / Users / Payments, and also will create things like dashboard widgets, global search, filters, and more.

Laravel Filament dashboard

Here's a tweet by Dan Harrin himself, the author of Filament:

Laravel Filament testimonial

Github repository with all the code will be available, with separate commits linked for each lesson.

So, are you ready? Let's dive in!

Course Content


First Model Resource: Products

Second Model Resource: Vouchers

Third Model Resource: Users

Fourth Model Resource: Payments

Global Features of Admin Panel

BelongsToMany Relations

Roles and Permissions

Customizing Layouts
